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Lymphonest No.10

Lymphonest No.10

SKU: MPH-0006

Supports the function of the lymphatic system.

  • Ingredients

    Key Ingredient
    Scrophularia nodosa - Enlarged lymph glands

    Accompanying Ingredients
    Echinacea angustifolia 1x - Septic conditions: generally lymphatic, inflammation
    Abrotanum 3x - Furuncles, hard lumps in abdomen
    Petroleum 3x - Fatigue, vaginal discharge, cystic breast
    Aloe socotrina 1x - Swollen lymph nodes (abdominal area)
    Mercurius solubilis 12x - Lymphatic conditions, sore throat
    Crotalus horridus 10x - Lymphangitis and septicemia
    Thuja occidentalis 10x - Chronic catarrh, chronic diarrhea, glandular pain
    Lachesis mutus 8x - Chronic sore throat, fever
    Aristolochia clematitis 6x - Urogenital infections

  • Dosages and Warnings

    30 drops in pure water three times daily. In acute stages, 50 drops at once followed by 30 drops four times daily.
    5 to 10 drops in fluid three times daily. Can be taken more frequently in acute cases.

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313 E Main St. Waunakee, WI 53597


The Family Holistic, LLC is a holistic nutrition company offering integrative nutrition and other wellbeing services.  Employees of the company are prohibited from providing medical advice; any communication with The Family Holistic, LLC and its employees should not be construed as a claim or representation that any product, protocol, or procedure either sold, conducted, or mentioned by The Family Holistic, LLC constitutes a specific cure, treatment, diagnosis, or prescription, palliative or ameliorative, for any condition.  Our services are designed to assist in understanding our clients’ metabolic and nutritional status.  Our services are also intended to help us understand the foods and food supplements that are either excessive or insufficient in our clients’ diet.  All medical-related questions should be directed towards your medical doctor.
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