Lymphonest No.10
Supports the function of the lymphatic system.
Key Ingredient
Scrophularia nodosa - Enlarged lymph glandsAccompanying Ingredients
Echinacea angustifolia 1x - Septic conditions: generally lymphatic, inflammation
Abrotanum 3x - Furuncles, hard lumps in abdomen
Petroleum 3x - Fatigue, vaginal discharge, cystic breast
Aloe socotrina 1x - Swollen lymph nodes (abdominal area)
Mercurius solubilis 12x - Lymphatic conditions, sore throat
Crotalus horridus 10x - Lymphangitis and septicemia
Thuja occidentalis 10x - Chronic catarrh, chronic diarrhea, glandular pain
Lachesis mutus 8x - Chronic sore throat, fever
Aristolochia clematitis 6x - Urogenital infectionsDosages and Warnings
30 drops in pure water three times daily. In acute stages, 50 drops at once followed by 30 drops four times daily.
5 to 10 drops in fluid three times daily. Can be taken more frequently in acute cases.